Sunday, July 22, 2012

Life ≠ Work

Wow, it is amazing how busy life can get from time to time.  I have not pestered my loyal reader(s) with any new updates here for 5 months, so I best get crackin!

I am often amazed when I look back at a time period and realize how much work dominates my life.  I know I am not alone and many others fight this same battle silently thinking they are the only one.

For the most part, we all have to work so we can live our lives.  Something to do with paying bills so we can have a roof over our heads and such.  But, without realizing it one can just get consumed with their work and next thing you know you say: 

Holy Crap!  Where did the time go? 
because you were so consumed in your work and let it take over your life. 

Since I last posted, I have logged about 1400 work ours and it has only been about 3600 hours, and I have spent over 1000 hours of that sleeping.  This leaves about 1200 hours of non-working ME time.  No wonder I am scratching my head wondering what happened!

Many employers are always trying to help us manage our work life balance.  I know mine sure is.  But, from what I can tell, the only way they are happy with it is when
This is NO BUENO!

The past few weeks have had me thinking a lot about my life, and what is important.  Making sure I can pay my bills is important, but at what cost to my personal life?  It is similar to balancing your purchases.  I know some people with really nice houses and average cars and they are struggling to make their next payment because they over-indulged in their house and have no way to enjoy life and take a vacation because they are now house-poor.  I also know some people who opted to go for a smaller house (or condo/townhouse) that may cramp their style a bit, but then they can afford the car they want AND still have some spending money left over.  I do not feel like I am house-poor, but as all of us, I would love to have more money!

Do I love my job?  Hell yes!  I get to go to some neat places (and some not so neat) and get paid for it.  Some days it feels like a vacation, but others it feels like I am being punished.  

So, I just have to say that take the time to do something YOU want to do every now and again.  Get yourself a treat, toy, gadget, game, night on the town, movie, etc.  You are worth it and deserve it.  Life is not how much money you made, it is where you went, who you talked to and what you did that defines your life.

Remember this:

Do not take life to seriously, you won't make it out alive.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Well, since I have not dusted off this soap box yet this year, maybe it is time.  Ever had a bit too much to drink and then out of the blue had something happen whilst being trollied that made you feel completely sober?  Perhaps your significant other opening the garage door and you are in bed with someone?  Maybe it was that guy walking up to you at the Blue Oyster Bar and telling you your outfit is really cute.  Anyone who has had a few too many has had this happen at one time or another.  

Have you ever had something happen when you are stone cold sober that caused you to stop in your tracks and say, 

"HOLY %*&#!!!!"  

I had this happen to me a few short weeks ago.  It happened when I decided to check my weight.  I know I am a big guy, but I have not gotten on the scale in over a year. This was mainly because I did not want to know what it was.  I had a ball park idea, but that was off by a touch.  This sobered me up quite a bit from my daily fog of life that I have been floating in.

I think that we all tiptoe around some things that are blatantly apparent to our friends and family.  Guys - have you ever lied to your lass when she asked "Do these jeans make my butt look fat?"  Why do we feel the need to tiptoe around these issues.  I love the fact that I can tell my wife that her outfit does not look good on her and she does not jump all over me for hurting her feelings, she is mostly thankful that I am honest with her about her appearance so she does not go out of the house looking anything less than absolutely fabulous.  

Perhaps it is time for all of us to grow some thicker skin and sober up to reality.  If the kettle is black and someone calls it black, we should not get offended by it.  If we do not want a black kettle then we should do something about it.  Time to take the bull by the horns and take control of our situations.  If you do not like something, fix it.  Don't just let it irritate you and leave it as is because it is easier to let it grate on your nerves than to try to make a change.  

I know I have put the ball in motion to start making changes to fix my situation.  Keep in mind that this ball did not just start rolling yesterday, it started rolling about a year ago.  If I had not started making changes a year ago, I would not be here on this soap box right now (and you may wish I had not found my soap box).  Change will only happen when you WANT it.  If you are not ready and are not willing to fight for it no matter what, you will most likely be unsuccessful. If you have sobered yourself up and decide to do it, you will be successful in your endeavor.  It may not be easy, but if you really want it then you will do whatever it takes to make it happen.

I like to think I have sobered up myself pretty well recently.  I have thick skin (and a thick skull to match) so I can take just about anything that anyone throws at me without getting offended. 

Lets hope the guy at the top of the post makes a few changes so he does not end up in this predicament again anytime soon, or ever.

Alright, time to hop of the soap box.  Lets just hope my friends do not figure out where I am hiding this soap box or they will take it and burn it.