Wow, I forgot where I put this soapbox for the past few months. Hold on a moment while I blow the dust off of this. *coughing*
I remember the days when you only talked on the phone when it was connected to a wall, and you hated calling anyone with a bunch of 8's, 9's or 0's because it took so long for the dial to come back around. My best friend had a number ending in 8007 UGH!
Now, smartphones are becoming more and more
I remember a buddy in college that got one of the first phones that could access the internet on his phone. We are sitting at a bar trying to pick up girls and he is worried about if someone sent him an email. Put down your phone and look around you! There is no reason you need to be checking your email at a bar unless, well never!
I was working with one of my colleagues who recently got a smartphone issued by our company. I was trying to give him some on the job training and every time his email beep went off his phone came out and he was buried in his phone replying to the email and not taking advantage of learning from the expert in the field. Same thing when a text comes in. I can understand the text a bit more, but if you need to respond because your wife just got into a major Barney, then OK, fine. Just ask me to pause...
It is rather interesting sitting in a conference room when a corporate wide email comes in anymore. Everyone pulls out their smartphone to see what it is, only to shrug it off and stick the phone in their pocket until it beeps again. Except me. I got annoyed with how often the email beep goes off and silenced it. Heck, I even turned off push email service to save battery life. My phone only checks my email when I open the app. I check it about once every hour or so, which should be sufficient for an email response because...IT IS EMAIL! If they need an answer now, pick up the phone and call. I may let it go to voicemail, but I will get back to you.
It is even more fun when ONE person in the room gets an email and watch everyone pull out their phone to see that it wasn't theirs since everyone in our office has the same ringtones since they have no clue how to customize their smartphone.
So, please do remember to use your smartphone wisely and not to turn your friends off because you got an important email at supper time. One of my friends said something to the effect of this: It is a good thing not everyone has a smartphone. Someone has to honk when the light turns green! Humorous, yes, but it is not exactly the best time to use your smartphone. See one of my other soapbox posts for a rant about driving...
I will admit that I am not the best with this all the time and occasionally I will pay more attention to my phone than the company I am with. If you see me doing this, please swat me.
Time for me to get off my soap box.
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